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What Parents Need to Know About Sensory Integration Disorders

What Parents Need to Know About Sensory Integration Disorders

Sensory integration disorders affect how the brain processes sensory information, leading to difficulties in responding to stimuli like touch, sound, and light. Symptoms can include overreaction or underreaction to sensory input, clumsiness, and behavioral challenges...

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When Are Orthoses Appropriate?

When Are Orthoses Appropriate?

Children of various medical backgrounds and history may be appropriate candidates for orthotic devices. Many varieties are available based on necessity and presentation of the child. The most common types seen with children are supramalleolar orthosis (SMO) or dynamic...

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What is Normal Gait?

What is Normal Gait?

Many changes occur throughout the lower extremities as a child begins to develop and walk. What is the normal progression? One Year of Age: Begin walking with a wide base of support, knees face forward and flexed or may be slightly externally rotated (until age 5 or...

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